 | Tourarchiv |
Überraschungsauftritte 2004/2005
29.01.2005 Llandudno, Wales - Gathering XIII
Under The Sun, Fountainhead, State Of Independence, Where Do You Want To Go?, This Life, Heavy Rain, Alive, Trafficking (The Alarm), Wild Flower (The Cult), I Never Left I Only Went Away, Fire Woman (The Cult), 45RPM (The Alarm), Zugabe: Sun King (The Cult), Sold Me Down The River (The Alarm), Change I (The Alarm), Fade In Fade Out Fade Away
29.08.2004 Wrexham, Wales - 2. Mike Peters Alarmstock
Under The Sun, Fade In Fade Out Fade Away, She Sells Sanctuary (The Cult)
Tourdaten 1999
16.01.1999 Llandudno, Wales - Gathering VII
Intro, Under The Sun, Where Do You Want To Go?, Strength (The Alarm), State Of Independence, Fountainhead, For The Love Of, Rain (The Cult), This Perfection (This Life), Fade In Fade Out Fade Away, Heavy Rain, Alive, She Sells Sanctuary (The Cult), 68 Guns (The Alarm)
29.05.1999 Coloursound Day - Wales
09.10.1999 London - LA2 Album Launch Gig
15.10.1999 VH1 UK - Talk Music
17.10.1999 VH1 UK - Talk Music
19.10.1999 VH1 UK - Talk Music
21.10.1999 VH1 UK - Talk Music
Tourdaten 1998
09.01.1998 Llandudno, Wales - Gathering VI
19.03.1998 Austin, Texas - Atomic Cafe
25.03.1998 Los Angeles, CA - The Viper Room
14.04.1998 New York - Mercury Lounge
21.07.1998 Galway Festival, Irland
31.08.1998 Greenbelt Festival (CS Auftritt anstatt des geplanten Mike Peters Solo Auftritts)
20.09.1998 Manchester, UK - University Hop & Grape
21.09.1998 London, UK - Camden Barfly
26.09.1998 Rothbury, UK - Clennel Hall
28.09.1998 London, UK - Camden Barfly
29.09.1998 Leeds, UK - Duchess of York
01.10.1998 Aberdeen, UK - The Works
02.10.1998 Glasgow, UK - King Tuts
03.10.1998 Llangollen, UK - Snowdonation The Royal International Pavillion
05.10.1998 London, UK - Camden Barfly
17.11.1998 Fast Lane, New Jersey - Ashbury Park
18.11.1998 New York, NY - Life
13.12.1998 Bradford, UK - Rios
14.12.1998 Birmingham, UK - Foundry
15.12.1998 London, UK Camden Palace