 | Tourdaten |
Erste Tourgerüchte für Deutschland >>> siehe Alarm News
UK Under Attack Herbst 2006
30.09.2006 Liverpool - Carling Academy 28.10.2006 Sheffield - The Plug 17.11.2006 BBC Children in Need at Eirias Park 25.11.2006 Edinburgh - Liquid Rooms
04. - 25.10.2006 Dead Men Walking UK Tour
Sommer Gigs USA & UK 2006
12.07.2006 NYC - Virgin Megastore - Acoustic Performance Without a Fight, My Town, Ceast and Desist, 68 Guns, 45RPM
12.07.2006 NYC - The Bowery Ballroom Superchannel, Absolute Reality, Without A Fight, Where Were You Hiding When the Storm Broke?, Something's Got to Give, Right Back Where I Started From, I Never Left, I Only Went Away, Raindown, Coming Home, Rain in the Summertime, This is the Way We Are, Deeside, Be Still, Sold Me Down the River, Cease and Desist, The Drunk and the Disorderly, My Town, Rescue Me, 45 RPM, 68 Guns 1. Zugabe: Unsafe Building, Spirit of '76 2. Zugabe: Declaration, Marching On, Blaze of Glory
22.07.2006 The Wickerman Festival, East Kirkcarswell - Schottland Superchannel, Absolute Reality, Without a Fight, Where Were You Hiding When The Storm Broke?,I Never Left I Only Went Away, Rescue Me, Drunk and Disorderly, Declaration / Marching On, Cease and Desist, 68 Guns, My Town, 45 RPM, Spirit of '76 Zugaben: Rain In The Summertime, Blaze Of Glory
30.07.2006 The Acoustic Festival Of Britain, Nantwich, Chesire (Mike Peters solo)
04.08.2006 Cardiff, Wales - Big Weekend
19.08.2006 Swansea, Wales - Whitelady Festival (Mike Peters solo)
26.08.2006 Chepstow Castle, Dell, Süd-Wales
16.09.2006 MusicFest, Cranford, New Jersey (Mike Peters solo)
USA Under Attack 2006
USA - Under Attack
16.03.2006 - SXSW Festival Austin, TX - Elysium superchannel, cease and desist, raindown, I never left I only went away, it's alright / it's ok, my town, without a fight, spirit of 76, 45 rpm, 68 guns, blaze of glory
17.03.2006 - SXSW Festival Austin, TX - Special Guests @ Cordless Records Evening
19.05.2006 - Joey Ramone Birthday Bash, Irving Plaza, Manhattan superchannel, cease & desist, my town, without a fight (Joey Ramone gewidmet), 45 RPM, 68 guns
20.05.2006 - Under Attack Preview Show, Maxwells's, Hoboken New Jersey superchannel, absolute reality, cease and desist, WWYHWTSB?, raindown, right back where i started from, it's alright / it's ok, rain in the summertime, be still, drunk and disorderly, unsafe building, sold me down the river, coming home, this is the way we are (inc. walk forever by my side), rescue me, i never left i only went away, marching on, my town, 68 guns, without a fight, 45 rpm, spirit of 76, blaze of glory
UK Under Attack 2006
25.02.2006 Cardiff - Coal Exchange, UK - >>> Pics
superchannel, where were you hiding..., without a fight, absolute reality, right back where I started from, it’s alright / it’s ok, knife edge, raindown, deeside, sold me down the river, rain in the summertime, coming home, this is the way we are, rescue me, cease & desist, declaration, marching on, I never left I only went away, 68 guns, my town, 45 rpm, blaze of glory, spirit of 76
25.03.2006 Glasgow - Academy, UK - Support: Kirk Brandon Acoustic
superchannel, absolute reality, cease and desist, where were you hiding when the storm broke, raindown, right back where I started from, it's alright, it's ok, rain in the summertime, be still, sold me down the river, drunk and disorderly, knife edge, coming home, one step closer to home (acoustic), walk forever by my side (acoustic), this is the way we are, rescue me, i never left i only went away, declaration, marching on, my town, 68 guns 1. Zugabe: without a fight, spirt of 76 inc. 45 rpm 2. Zugabe: should I stay or should I go (clash cover mit Kirk Brandon & Bruce von Big Country), blaze of glory
29.04.2006 London - Islington Academy, UK
27.05.2006 Birmingham - Academy (verlegt von Wolverhampton)
>>> Pics
24.06.2006 Manchester - Academy II, UK
superchannel, absolute reality, without a fight, WWYHWTSB, somethings got to give, right back where I started from, I never left..., raindown, coming home, i`ts alright / it`s ok, rain in the summertime, this is the way we are, deeside, be still, sold me down the river, cease and desist, drunk and disorderly, my town, rescue me, 45 RPM, 68 guns Zugabe: unsafe building, spirit of '76, marching on (mit Dave Sharp), blaze of glory(mit Dave Sharp)
The Gathering XIV
27. & 28.01.2006 Llandudno, Wales, UK
Live 2005
Mike Peters
15.08.2005 New York City - Knitting Factory
23.08.2005 Anaheim, CA - House of Blues
02.09.2005 Cardiff, UK - Celtic Festival
Alarmstock III
Erstmalig findet das diesjährige 3. Mike Peters Alarmstock in UK und den USA statt. Austragungsstätten waren diesmal zwei legendäre Studios in London bzw. New York! Es gab jeweils nur ca. 150 Tickets.
13.08.2005 New York - Electric Lady Studio A - Info & Tickets
20.08.2005 Los Angeles - Capitol Studio A
The Alarm 2005
Beim folgenden Termin handelte es sich um ein kostenloses Konzert! The Alarm spielten ein 70-minütiges Set.
Rechts ein Bild vom Auftritt, Craig & Mike - copyright by MPO (Klickt auf`s Bild für eine Vergrößerung)
25.06.2005 Summer Cookson Festival, South Shields (Nähe Newcastle), UK - The Amphitheatre - Info
coming home, absolute reality, where were you hiding, knife edge, spirit of 76, rain in the summertime, drunk & disorderly, right back where I started from, 45rpm, for freedom / marching on, 68 guns. Zugabe: get down get with it / Quelle: The Alarm Forum
Mike Peters solo & acoustic - UK
Vor den Shows hatten die Leute Gelegenheit ihre Wunschsongs einzureichen.
Dieser Flyer rechts wurde beim Gathering 2005 verteilt. Unten findet ihr die aktualisierten Termine und einige Setlisten, die ich aus dem Alarm Forum entnommen habe. Einige sind von daher weder komplett, noch in der richtigen Reihenfolge.
01.04.2005 Doncaster - The Leopard
Set 1: the stand, lie of the land, rise, father to son, the rock, elders & folklore, burnout syndrome, drunk & disorderly, in the poppy fields, moments in time Set 2: unsafe building, deeside, majority, howling wind, the road, true life, normal rules do not apply, new south wales, permanence in change, rain in the summertime, rescue me, 68 guns, walk forever by my side, spirit of 76, white riot, 45 RPM, blaze of glory
02.04.2005 Nottingham - Junktion7
Set 1: declaration / marching on, where were you hiding..., we are the light, spiritual, little devil, state of independence, when everything was perfect, caroline isenberg, rose beyond the wall, the unexplained, ground zero, lie of the land, refugees, love Is a revolution, back into the system, swansong, the stand Set 2: coming home, one step closer to home, what kind of hell, new south wales, deeside, strength, rain in the summertime, absolute reality, 68 guns, 45 RPM, spirit of 76, rescue me, blaze of glory, walk forever by my side
03.04.2005 Wrexham - Central Station
Set 1: breathe, elders & folklore, street of 1000 faces, life can be beautiful sometimes, broken silence, train a comin', ravens, presence of love, regeneration, few & far between, walk forver by my side Set 2: coming home, rain in the summertime, new south wales, deeside, no frontiers, only the thunder, 45 RPM, absolute reality, where were you hiding..., 68 guns, spirit of '76, knockin' on heavens door, drunk & disorderly, blaze of glory
04.04.2005 Bristol - The Fleece
05.04.2005 Swansea - Escape
06.04.2005 Leicester - The Charlotte
08.04.2005 Belfast - The Rosetta Bar
Cancelled - Wegen Unwetter bzw. ausgefallener Fähre!
09.04.2005 Dublin - Eamonn Dorans
the stand / chant / the stand, coming home, the wind blows away my words, only the thunder, father to son, the deceiver, where were you hiding?, rose beyond the wall, rise, breathe, rain in the summertime, hallowed ground, right back where I started from, walk forever by my side, presence of love, elders & folklore, blaze of glory, corridors of power, unsafe building, deeside, declaration / marching on, spirit of 76, one step closer to home, absolute reality, 45 rpm, 68 guns, majority
10.04.2005 Exeter - The Cavern
Set 1: breathe, permnance in change, wind blows away my words, no frontiers, Levi's and bibles, you are to me, in the poppy fields, unsafe building Set 2: coming home, declaration / marching on, where were you hiding?, when everything was perfect, one step closer, right back where I started from, up for murder, the rock`n` roll, the stand, drunk & disorderly, in a big country, 68 guns, absolute reality, rescue me, spirit of 76
11.04.2005 Portsmouth - The Wedgewood Rooms
Set 1: breathe, wind blows away my words, new home new life, the day the ravens left the tower, father to son, no frontiers, my calling is you, a new south wales, elders and folklore, the stand Set 2: ground zero, rain in the summertime, gone elvis, right back where I started from, drunk & disorderly, declaration / marching on, where were you hiding?, regeneration, absolute reality, the cross (Prince cover), rescue me, swansong, spirit of 76, 68 guns, walk forever by my side, blaze of glory
13.04.2005 Newport - Riverside Arts Centre
14.04.2005 Liverpool - Carling Academy 2
15.04.2005 Glasgow - King Tuts
Set 1: working class hero, elders and folklore, the wind blows away my words, you are to me, true life, no frontiers, only the thunder, hallowed ground, rain in the summertime, we are the light. Set 2: the stand, up for murder, the deceiver, declaration / marching on, one step closer to home, moments in time, poetic justice, where were you hiding...,the rock `n` roll, absolute reality, regeneration, in a big country, rescue me, 68 guns, spirit of 76, teenage kicks, white riot, walk forever by my side, blaze of glory
16.04.2005 Crewe - Spear Of Destiny Westworld Weekend @ The Limelight Club
Mike`s Gastauftritt fiel leider aus, da er mit Stimmproblemen zu kämpfen hatte. Kirk Brandon spielte nachmittags einen acoustig gig und abends mit seiner Band einen umjubelten electric gig, bei dem er auch einige neue Songs spielte.
17.04.2005 York - Fibbers
incomplete set list: marching on, where were you hiding..., tell me, we are the light, the road, absolute reality, rain in the summertime, pesence of love, rescue me, a new south wales, spirit of 76, walk forever by my side, devolution working man blues, breaking point, raw, the wind blows away my words, shout to the devil, breathe, drunk & disorderly.
18.04.2005 Birmingham - Bar Academy
20.04.2005 Brighton - Komedia
elders & folklore, breathe, train a coming, broken silence, moments in time, spiritual, rain in the summertime, only the thunder, walk forever by my side, be still, mercenary skank, menai bridge, statue of liberty, deeside, father to son, strength, no frontiers, 45 rpm, the stand, marching on, unsafe building, absolute reality, one step closer, spirit of 76, 68 guns*, never take me alive (Spear of Destiny)*, blaze of glory. *= mit Kirk Brandon
21.04.2005 Cleethorpes - Winter Gardens
22.04.2005 Whitehavens - Civic Centre
23.04.2005 Manchester - Live Cafe
Set 1: breathe, unsafe building, moments in time, eye of the hurricane, breaking point, a new south wales, permanence in change, rain in the summertime, only the thunder, walk forever by my side Set 2: unbreak the promise, the stand, majority, strength, right back where I started from, edward henry street, pavilion steps, one step closer to home, we are the light, close, where were you hiding..., up for murder, absolute reality, rescue me, spirit of '76, 45 rpm, 68 guns Zugaben: white riot, knockin' on heavens door, rockin' in the free world, blaze of glory
24.04.2005 Wolverhampton - Robin 2
Set 1: gone Elvis, statue of liberty, planet earth (shine on), no frontiers, broken silence, father to son, newtown jericho, hallowed ground, train a comin, peace agreement, rain in the summertime, walk forever by my side Set 2: unsafe building, the stand, where were you hiding..., we are the light, what kind of hell, sold me down the rver, knife edge, strength, down the road, ground zero, absolute reality, in a big country, rescue me, 45 rpm, spirit of 76, 68 guns, blaze of glory
26.04.2005 Stourbridge - Rock Cafe
Set 1: unsafe building, elders & folklore, shout to the devil, rise, newtown Jericho, hallowed ground, contenders, dawn chorus, train a comin, the normal rules do not apply, presence of love, moments in time Set 2: the stand, deeside, burnout syndrome, deceiver, majority, one step closer, new south wales, rain in the summertime, knife edge, white noise, absolute reality, marching on, where were you hiding..., rescue me, 45rpm, spirit of 76, 68 guns, blaze of glory
27.04.2005 Stoke - The Sugarmill
Set 1: breathe, the deceiver, it just don’t get any better than this, new south wales, bells of Rhymney, land of hope and glory (erstmalig live gespielt), in circles, rain in the summertime Set 2: the cross (Prince Cover), the stand, mercenary skank, deeside, rise, lie of the land, no frontiers, the rock 'n' roll, how the mighty fall, hallowed ground, swansong, the life you seek does not exist, I never left I only went away, alive, federal motor voter, the drunk & the disorderly, Medley:we are the light / declaration / marching on / where were you hiding / 68 guns / spirit of 76 / absolute reality / 45 rpm, blaze of glory
28.04.2005 Leeds - Josephs Well
29.04.2005 London - Bar Academy
30.04.2005 Blackwood - Minors Institute
Set 1: elders and folklore, shout to the devil, third light, only the thunder, father to son, it just don't get any better than this, permanence in change, normal rules, we are the light, pavillion steps, wasting land, room at the top, rain in the summertime, moments in time Set 2: breathe, the stand, your only young and innocent, unsafe building, up for murder, coming home, one step closer, poetic justice, absolute reality, one life, rescue me, fade in fade out fade away, new south wales, bells of Rhymney, declaration, marching on, where were you hiding..., spirit of 76, 45rpm, 68 guns, rockin in the free world, walk forever by my side, blaze of glory
Mike Peters solo acoustic
18.03.2004 Austin, TX - SXSW Festival, Elysium
The Alarm MMV
26.02.2005 Rhos / Wrexham - BBC Radio Wales Veranstaltung - The Alarm MMV & Steve Allan Jones
Aer (Breathe), Glaw yn yr Ha` (Rain In the Summertime), Dim Ffiniau (No Frontiers), Hwylio Dros Y Mor (A New South Wales), Dal Fy Llaw (Walk Forever By My Side), Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant (St David's Day)
Mike Peters als Support von Status Quo
19.02.2005 Edinburgh - Usher Hall
20.02.2005 Glasgow - Clyde Auditorium
21.02.2005 Aberdeen - Exhibition Centre
The Gathering XIII
28.01.2005 Llandudno - Wales, UK / sold out
Mike Peters & The Alarm MMV / Special Guest: Dave Sharp
29.01.2005 Llandudno - Wales, UK / sold out
Mike Peters & The Alarm MMV / Special Guest: Dave Sharp und Coloursound
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